Roulette - A Classic Game with Lousy Odds

Roulette may have lousy odds, BUT it's not necessarily a bad value for your gambling dollar. It's a fairly slow-paced game, so even though the house advantage is higher than some other games, you're probably not going to be placing as many bets per hour. So you can get a lot of action for your gambling dollar at a roulette table. I've always liked roulette because I'm a mellow kind of guy and the slower pace of the roulette table is relaxing to me.

Roulette's a high roller game for big players in Europe, but it's never had quite the same attraction for an American crowd. (The odds are a little different between the two different versions of the game too.) As far as table games in the USA go, roulette's pretty much in last place after craps and blackjack.

On a European roulette wheel, there's only one "0". On an American wheel, there is a "0" AND a "00". The additional "00" gives the casino twice as much of an advantage on the American game. When you're playing in an online casino, you can usually choose between an American roulette table and a European roulette table. ALWAYS choose the European table, even though the layout might be a little different than you're used to if you've played the American version for long.

Like baccarat, roulette is a guessing game, all chance and no strategy. More "rock scissors paper" action here. It's easy to play, and almost impossible to make a mistake at when playing. (Although there is one roulette bet you should never make.)

The Google Roulette Guide is a fine place to find more information about roulette, but I recommend avoiding the roulette systems guide. Roulette systems are much like any other gambling system--it's all based on money management and varying your bets, and pretending that the odds don't really exist for you because of the way you're managing your bankroll.